Drinking From the Depths of Self

A six month long, intensive deep dive into our personal stories, both wondrous and obstructive, in order to reclaim, discover and nurture fuller evolutions of our authentic expression.

This intensive will include weekly meetings, a combination of therapeutic principles and explorations, meditation, spiritual integration and creative work. In between meetings there will be journal prompts and simple assignments. This is immersive but manageable with a full schedule of other responsibilities. Much of the work will center around the fears and beliefs that cause us to hesitate or withdraw from what we really love and how we really want to live. It will also begin to reveal the specifics of the magical story each one of us has been living that is often hidden by the mundane details. If there is a goal or something you are hoping to accomplish or change this will also include tangible assignments to bring this into the world and your life. If there is not, it will be a creative exploration of the different ways you’d like to express yourself in the life you currently have. 

A big part of any work that gives us gravity and depth is digging. This should push us through uncomfortable material and moments, but it will also help contextualize the difficult material we all carry to reveal the gifts we have carried and will carry as a result of it. We’ll practice fiercely approaching our own guilt, shame, self-sabotage and blaming and we will practice facing our pursuits and loves with passion, care and patience. We’ll explore how we have formed attachments to the things that hold us back and make us feel bad and treat these parts with compassion as we carefully release them like thorns from our feet. 

This work is ideal for those looking for meaning in their everyday lives, anyone trying to make sense of where they’re at or where they’re going, people on a healing path wondering “what do I do with this now?” and anyone who feels a disconnect between who they feel they are deep down and how they feel perceived to be by the world. 

This six month package includes:

• A free 30 minute consultation on what the six months will look like and what you hope to work towards

• Assignments in between meetings including journaling, meditation and creative projects

• Weekly zoom meetings either one-on-one or with a group to check in, do some some exercises and sink into the homework

• A meditation instruction video (optional, if you already have a meditation practice you’re welcome to use it instead)

• Journal prompts related to sources of our long felt pain: what are specific attachments are to the pain, the content of our past and how it’s affected our present, how we think of ourselves, gratitude, grief, shame, regret, anger, fear, shadow work, passion, purpose, connection, compassion etc. as well as personalized prompts as needs for them arise

• Reading and writing poetry and prose

• Manageable task assignments related to your specific goals as they arise

• Guided meditations & healing work specifically related to the material we’re addressing each week 

• For one-on-one-sessions personalized journal prompts and guided meditations

This is offered one-on-one at any time or a group session will begin in Autumn 2024. The cost is $400 per month for one-on-one work, $200 a month for group work with sliding scale options. To schedule a free consultation click here or email contact@innercurrents.com

Recommended Supplies & Add Ons


-one or two small journals or notebooks 

-a larger page notebook or computer


-art materials if you’d like to incorporate physical artwork

Reading (Optional)

-Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibon

-Stuck in the Story No More by Dr. Nicki Monti

-The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Luis

-The Four Noble Truths by The Dalai Llama

-Compassionate Action by Chatral Rinpoche

-A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin

Additional Support (Optional)

-Monthly Chö Healing with Paige at www.GraceFullDying.com 

-A 12th house astrological reading with Christina at www.SkiesofGrace.com if there’s a specific part of your life you’d like to work with

-Bodywork such as acupuncture, massage or craniosacral work

About Theresa

Theresa has been working as a healer, psychic and spiritual teacher for over 15 years. Her own journey of healing emotional trauma with inner healing work, spiritual work and with the help of many mentors left her with a unique and multifaceted take on the healing journey and the continuation from healing to happiness. She has attained traditional spiritual realizations, has ongoing psychic experiences and uses subtle or energetic healing tools to help heal others and bring them into their own realizations. Through the years of work she has gained an appreciation of the profound impact of the direct participation in your own healing and how many of the wounds we carry can remain in the mind long after they have been resolved on other levels. Even when we resolve the experience of emotional triggers, many of the beliefs we’ve internalized are still not ours. These beliefs make us feel distant from ourselves and act in ways that are unconscious or unintentional. There’s an importance to engaging with the healing process directly, mentally and emotionally to round out the overall results and give us access to the gifts of the healing work.

Theresa was flooded with the realization of the White Drop at age 5. Her intuition, love of God and experience maneuvering the subtle planes were present throughout her childhood. She began meditating and practicing subtle healing modalities at age 13. At 19, she began entering Samadhi states after a transmission from late spiritual teacher, W. Brugh Joy. At age 23, Theresa began her working partnership with Geoffrey Ulfa. Together they discovered Theresa’s ability to use various kinds of light to clear and activate subtle body structures. Geoffrey facilitated the activation of her kundalini and she began entering deep savikalpa samadhi states shortly after. At age 24, Theresa realized the Blue Drop/Blue Pearl entering a permanent samadhi state traditionally described as the realization of universal consciousness. It took several years to stabilize this realization and it profoundly impacted her work. Theresa continued to cultivate various internal work and realizations with help from Geoffrey and her internal teachers, primarily Upasni Maharaj, Ekajati and Saraswati. She also developed and continued her work for others between having children. Her practice has evolved to center largely on compassion and encourages others to integrate compassion into their own personal practice. At age 29, Theresa began offering group transmissions and founded Inner Currents with her husband, Geoffrey Ulfa. At age 34, Theresa facilitated the realization of the White Drop and the entering of samadhi states to a small group of people devoted to their spiritual work. She and Geoffrey continue to support students and community members with tools, practices and instruction for cultivating Samadhi states, as well as offering regular transmissions at low or no cost to as wide a community as possible. 

Theresa has taught several healing classes through her non-profit and is hoping to offer this new intensive for those yearning for a deepening of their maturation process and are feeling out of place in a world that only celebrates a few narrow paths of success or accomplishment. 

Drinking from the Depths of Self
$200.00 every month for 6 months