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Special Bodhicitta Meditation

Special Bodhicitta Meditation

One of our central philosophies and offerings is a focus on the white drop, also called Bodhicitta. Bodhicitta is a philosophy, spiritual orientation and a structure in our subtle bodies that when activated brings individuals into a state of samadhi characterized by the experience of connection to life, self on a deep level, all others and the divine. It is a mild transition into a samadhi meaning we haven't had experiences with anyone gaining mental, emotional or physical instability. It is a profound accomplishment on its own and has the potential to be the foundation for further realizations and samadhi experiences. 

It's unlikely participants will reach a sustained samadhi state after one workshop and all meditations we offer have a cumulative effect. Some people notice the effects immediately, for some the experience is more subtle and build over time, often leading to more peace, clarity and happiness. Some people have a strong sense of the work during the meditation where others might not notice anything. The work is being done on everyone regardless of how much feeling is experienced during the meditation. When paired with an existing spiritual practice, these meditations can flow into and aid work individuals are already engaging. 

In each Bodhicitta meditation, Theresa will employ her basic healing work that helps clear away short term stresses and long term traumas, feel more connected to our natural personality and feel more internally organized. She will also include extensive focus on everyone’s white drop with the goal of breaching the barrier between our experience of it looking in and the experience of it pervading our entire being. Theresa then works to help us more easily embody Bodhicitta with our thoughts and actions by resolving karmic patterns that drive us towards opposing thoughts and actions. She will also pray to many beings who have complete wisdom of Bodhicitta to help us achieve all these goals. Avalokiteshwara, Manjushri, Vajrasattva, White Tara, Amitayus, White Dzambala, and White Mahakala will all be asked to be present in this work during the meditation and to help each individual on their path moving forward. 

Every meditation begins and ends with work on protection for every individual present and and energetic separation between all individuals attending including Theresa. The local beings or spirits around those attended are either invited to participate or dispelled from the area depending on their orientation to Bodhicitta. 

Everyone is welcome regardless of past, present or future spiritual orientation. All meditations are donation based and tax deductible. Donations can be made by clicking the link below. Thank you to all participants and everyone else who has and is actively aiding in providing these offerings.

For questions, please use the contact form below. Please note that the time is in the Pacific Time Zone.

March 2


March 7

Wise & Nourishing Mothers Meditation