Matangi is the ninth of the 10 Mahavidyas, fierce goddesses who lead the aspirant to great (maha) realms of knowledge (vidya).
Matangi is associated with that which is low, decaying, polluted and disintegrating. She is the process of decomposition that leads to ultimate renewal. In the body she is associated with the microbiome. Astrologically, she is connected to the Sun. Meditation on Matangi brings us closer to the siddhis (supernatural accomplishments) and improves our relationship with all of the parts of life mentioned above that are often quite difficult to acknowledge and accept.
Everyone is welcome regardless of past, present or future spiritual orientation. All meditations are donation based and tax deductible. Donations can be made by clicking the link below. Thank you to all participants and everyone else who has and is actively aiding in providing these offerings.
For questions, please use the contact form below. Please note that the time is in the Pacific Time Zone.