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Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday Meditation on the White and Red

This month we’re doing a special meditation on white drop activation and red drop purification for Maundy Thursday inspired by one of our members whose practice centers around Christ. Inner Currents offers white drop work as described by different branches of Buddhism and many of our members move on to red drop work on their own. The red drop holds a type of physical power that we don’t offer tools for because of the risks involved. For those in our group who gain the trust of Heaven and are guided in their own sadhana, the red frequently begins to activate after the white. We’re happy to support this process and anywhere else people’s individual path leads them. Our member who practices this white and red work, alongside devotion to Christ, believes that His life and sacrifice made the white drop and red drop empowerments available to His followers and devotees. For Easter, a more obvious meditation could be on renewal and new life, but instead we are clearing pathways that lead to potential for internal renewal and empowerment for the purpose of service and working to ease the burden of all beings. Theresa will work on white drop activation and integration and on preparing the activation of the major red drop. For those in attendance with an open and developed central channel, she’ll also dissolve a series of minor red and white droplets related to Bodhicitta as a lived philsophy and connection to God.

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