Health & Healing
Join Theresa and Geoffrey for this transformational workshop
Nearly all, if not all, of the work we do is an attempt to address obstacles at multiple levels inside ourselves. We are not just our mind or just our body or just our karma or just our various levels of consciousness or just our family or just our community. We are an amalgam of many things. In the past we did work that focused purely on one or a few aspects of our clients because the results tend to be faster and more acute, but what we found was a lack of balance within our lives and our clients’ lives when taking that approach. I bring this up now because although every aspect of our life is driven and experienced by these many pieces that are us, health is one we can easily cognize as a multi-dimensional topic, especially in the world we currently occupy.
In this workshop much of what will be addressed is fear of death and relating to mortality which I’ve found to bring a great deal of joy and sense of purpose as well as being the focus of traditional health practices. We’ll work through ancestral beliefs and traumas around illness, injury, violence and death. We’ll visit the spirits of the organs and ask them what can be done for you as an individual to increase functionality. We’ll work with our personal karmas around health care, health care providers and community health. We’ll spend a lot of time addressing old stress and current stressors that are negatively impacting our health. We’ll also spend a great deal of time addressing the physical body and each major system within the physical body specifically.
We don’t expect this to miraculously heal or end illnesses and injuries. This is about creating the space within all the different parts of ourselves that allow us to meet opportunities for our body to heal and to find tools and health care workers who can assist us most effectively while reducing our personal concerns and unconscious barriers to caring for ourselves best.
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