Theresa’s Thoughts on Astrology and the Planets

At Inner Currents, all our offerings can be sorted into two primary objectives. The first aims to free up internal space while increasing balance and stability; the second is to aid in spiritual cultivation, a process that leads to deeper relationship with the Divine and results in transformation or realization. We’ve had an historically ambivalent relationship to Astrology because it’s so often used as a vehicle to disconnect from the Divine, to validate or excuse a lack of personal development, and to disassociate from real, day-to-day life. With our clients interested in cultivation, we actively warn of these pitfalls. At the same time, astrological remediation is traditionally considered a powerful tool to improve life circumstances and for good reason: the planets are very tangibly present in our lives and wield a great deal of influence over our daily experience. The planets are gravitational forces as well as embodiments of Divine personalities and archetypal patterns. Much cultivation and healing work can be aided by astrology when applied with the correct intent. 

We’re aiming to offer astrological tools that are consistent with our overall objectives.  Our planetary meditations center around building a positive or neutral relationship to the planets, both our natal relationship and our experience of current transits  And in general, while I hesitate to focus on any future predictions—because the future can be a big distraction from the present— I’ve found that, in the context of spiritual work, astrological forecasting can be applied in several useful ways. Transformative spiritual work is challenging and it can be hard to gauge whether resulting personal hardship requires external intervention or whether it's part of a larger cycle that will naturally conclude. Astrology is an excellent tool for predicting the general qualities of large swaths of time. It can help us identify periods of high and low agency, periods of heaviness and difficulty, and periods of lightness and opportunity. It can help us understand when are good times to push and accelerate our practices and when are times to rest and take refuge. It can also help us cultivate the mental space for compassion and forgiveness, both for ourselves and others, knowing when periods of unusual collective strain are impacting everyone.

We feel incredibly fortunate to have professional astrologer Christina Funkhouser offering insight and facilitating monthly events with us. She has a profound depth of understanding of both the planetary work and the work we offer here at Inner Currents. Bhakti, or devotional practice with some form of God, is one of our primary focuses here at Inner Currents and our astrological offerings will keep  the spirit of that intention by centering our relationship with the DIvine in all the planetary work we do. Christina’s blending of the two for herself is brought into the work space with every offering she facilitates.